We are Wealth Advisors who are invested in your success
At Johnson Wealth Management you’ll benefit from a uniquely personal and integrated approach, designed so you can meet your financial goals for every stage of life. Independent, employee-owned, and fee-only, we are unencumbered by any obligations to outside entities. This means our wealth advisors will only offer advice, services, and investments that are made with your best interests in mind. Johnson Wealth Management is a part of our Private Client Group which serves individuals and families.

Be confident in your future
Each client is served by a wealth advisor who is supported by a dedicated team of Investment Professionals, Attorneys, and Trust Officers. Each team draws on in-house resources for unique planning techniques, investment allocation, and security selection.
We do not work on commission. We are always on the same side of the table as you, providing counsel that is in your best interests.
We are highly credentialed professionals serving multiple generations of clients for over five decades through all types of historical events and market environments.
Employee ownership means we’re a truly independent firm and focused on the long term needs of our clients.
Integrated Services
As part of Johnson Investment Counsel, our wealth advisors utilize all the divisions of our firm to offer you the full scope of wealth management services including:
- Investment Management
- Estate Planning
- Retirement Planning & Cash Flow Management
- Asset Protection & Insurance
- Charitable Planning
- Income Tax Planning
Start your wealth management plan today
Charitable Services
We incorporate our Charitable Services into your overall wealth management plan, allowing you to increase your philanthropic impact while maximizing the tax and financial planning benefits
Mutual Funds
Diversify your investments with Johnson’s publicly available, no-load mutual funds with a minimum investment of $2,000.